
Lisää lapsia

Heh, pelästytinkö? ;)

Meille ei ole tulossa lisää lapsia (vielä ainakaan), mutta ihan huvikseni tein testin, joka vinkkaa tulevan lapsen sukupuolesta. (Hesarissa oli asiasta juttua muistaakseni pari päivää sitten.)

Testin mukaan:

"Out of ten possible categories, your score put you in Category 4.

Of all the women who have taken this test so far, 20% have had scores that put them in Category 4.

Of those women, 45% of them have conceived and given birth to boys, and 55% have conceived and given birth to girls.

So for you we would predict, if you become pregnant within the next 4 - 5 weeks, you would be 55% likely to conceive a girl and 45% likely to conceive a boy."

Mielenkiintoista :)

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